Do I need an appointment? No, no appointment necessary.

What should I wear for my appointment? Please try to avoid wearing anything metal in the area of interest, otherwise you will be asked to remove the clothing and put on a gown.

Do I have to have a Medical Arts X-ray requisition? No, we accept any requisition that your doctor gives you for your imaging as long as your doctor signs it.

Do I have to pay for any of the imaging done at Medical Arts X-ray? Usually not providing you have a valid Health Card or out-of-province insurance. Otherwise we bill you directly.

What is your location? 270 Charlotte Street. Ground floor, just off of the back parking lot.

Where can I park? Free parking at the back of the building.

How long will I be? Most examinations take up to 20 minutes.

How soon will my Doctor get results? We aim to get reports out in 24 hours.

Can I take my Meds? Yes with sips of water.

Can I come with an out-of-town referral? Yes, but we need the referring Doctor's name, 6-digit referring Physician number and their fax and phone numbers to send results.

Is there a prep? There is no prep required for X-rays.

Do I need to bring anything? Bring your signed requisition and Health Card.